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Machine Turns Wood Into Kindling
Logging trash can be turned into cash with this automated kindling machine from Anderson Agri-forest Equipment. Anderson is the North American distributor for the "Kindla" made in Great Britain. Most kindling sold in North America is bagged from sawmill off cuts, but the Kindla can turn full-size logs into true kindling that can be worth a lot more than lumber.
  "What is neat about the machine is that it actually produces uniform size kindling 6-in. long," says Stephen Anderson. "It would be great for a farmer who wants to supplement his income at certain times of the year. Put it in the barn, and use unskilled labor to run it. It could be a good cash generator."
  The $15,000 Kindla can fill more than 100 bags 18-24 in. high and 6 by 8-in. wide in an hour. It splits 5 to 6-in. long sections of log or branch with or without bark. Anderson recommends sections be at least 4 in. in diameter, but they can be up to 10 in.
  The Kindla is powered by tractor hydraulics and comes with an inclined feeding ramp for rounds. A $1,700 Rotabagga 3-bag bagging option is also available to further automate the job.
  "One Kindla buyer has been very successful producing kindling from specific trees," says Anderson. "You can put cedar kindling in a porous bag and not only have something useful, but it smells good, too. Specialty kindling offers an opportunity for a premium."
  Anderson advises buyers to research market opportunities and prices. He suggests being relatively close to a concentrated population area as well as to the wood resource.
  "It is not unusual for bags of kindling to sell for $5 to $6 in stores," says Anderson.
A lower capacity machine called the Kindlet sells for $13,630 (U.S.) when equipped with a hydraulic powerpak or $12,840 when powered by tractor hydraulics. It can handle sawmill offcuts as well as tree chunks and rounds.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Stephen A. Anderson, Anderson Agri-forest Equipment, Inc., 44A de La Marquise, St. Sauveur, Quebec, Canada JOR 1R4 (ph 450 240 0550; fax 450 240 0552; email: stephen@andersonagri-forest.com; website: www.fuelwood.co.uk).

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #2