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Fender Auger Helps Pick Up Down Corn Stalks
Down or tangled stalks present no problem for this new hydraulically-operated auger kit that installs at each end of a corn header.
  The Spiral Fender operates off the combine's hydraulic system and is designed to push stalks over into the header. The auger is 8 in. in diameter and 3 ft. long. To install it you cut out part of the fender, then bolt in a metal housing that contains the auger. The auger keeps down stalks from wrapping over the side of the fender. It'll work on rows from 18 to 30 in.
  The unit is designed to fit Deere headers but will soon also be available on Case IH and AGCO headers. It will also work with many of the down corn reels on the market, says inventor Jeremy Van't Hul, VH Mfg. Inc., Rock Valley, Iowa.
  The kit includes left and right fender assembly with hydraulic motors and valves.
  Sells for $2,150 per pair.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, VH Mfg. Inc./Polytin, 204 Westview Drive, Rock Valley, Iowa 51247 (ph 888 765-9846; fax 712 476-3304; email: vhmfg

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #2