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Poultry Lovers Flock To "Everything Chickens"
If you like chickens, we've got a website for you.
  Everythingchickens.com is the place to go for collectables, household items, games, toys and other outdoor accessories that feature chickens somehow.
  Site owner Jerry Bray Sr., from Highland, Michigan, only started the website at the beginning of November, but he already carries more than 150 products.
  "It's constantly growing," he points out.
  Bray, whose children are members of a 4-H poultry club, actually "hatched" the idea a couple of years ago.
  "Everything Chickens is an idea I came up with while attending my children's 4-H fair. There were many vendors at the fair selling wildlife items such as eagles, wolves and seals, etc. They were selling their T-shirts and figurines and such, but no vendors at the fair sold anything pertaining to 4-H animals such as cows, pigs and chickens," he says.
  "I overheard many 4-H parents walk by and comment, æI wish they had something with pigs, or I wish they had something with cows, or I wish they had something with chickens,' and so on. Hence my idea for Everything Chickens," Bray adds. "From the person who may be buying their first chicken item, to the serious enthusiast who may have hundreds of different items in their collection, we hope that all will be happy with our selection and quality of merchandise."
  The chicken paraphernalia includes such eclectic items as a poultry-themed chess set with 12 different rare and unique chicken breeds represented by the hand painted resin pieces.
  Most items are priced at under $100, plus shipping. Bray says the most popular items so far are a finely detailed "rooster and hen glass top table, a cutting board with a chicken scene on it, and a crowing rooster timer.
  He works from his basement.
  Bray welcomes inquiries from manufacturers or suppliers who have new and different chicken-themed items.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Everything Chickens, Attn. Jerry Bray Sr., Box 248,
Highland, Mich. 48356 (ph 248 889-4232; email: sales@everythingchickens.com).

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #2