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Used Grain Bins Bring Huge Savings
"I wanted to add more grain storage, but I did not want to spend the money for new bins," says Rick Mabeus,, Winfield, Iowa. "I started asking around and found there were several grain bins available on neighboring farms that were not in use anymore. I bought them to move back to my place."
  Unused bins can be found almost everywhere in the US. Once you find one near your location you simply break it down to as many parts as you can for transport. A tractor and trailer can haul even the largest bins a good distance. "Some will have more accessories than others. You can use what you want and sell the other parts," says Mabeus.
  "Money can be saved in many ways by recycling used bins. I don't waste any more time waiting in a commercial elevator line or pay for storage," says Mabeus. "Just the aeration floor alone on a 30-ft. bin would cost you $2,000. I got my whole 36 footer for around $500."
  If you're willing to do the work yourself, you'll save huge amounts of money," he says. The bins are simply jacked up and hauled off on a trailer. "So far I've bought and moved 24-ft., 36-ft. and 30-ft grain bins for a total cost of about $2,000. I probably saved over $5,000 on equipment costs alone."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Rick Mabeus, 22419 60th St., Winfield, Iowa (ph 319 257-6764).

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #2