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Kids Love These PVC Sprinklers
"Kids love playing around my homemade lawn and garden sprinklers and they do a great job watering the lawn," says Lloyd Henderson.
  The Haleyville, Alabama, man sells a 4-ft. high pvc sprinkler that hooks up to a garden hose at the base and fills with water. A pair of rotating sprinklers on top, spaced about 20 in. apart, fling water out in two 45-ft. dia. circles. The sprinklers can be set to rotate in opposite directions.
  "It's tall enough that kids can run in and out of it. The two sprinkler heads aren't synchronized which adds to the fun," says Henderson. "I've been building these sprinkler units for years and selling them through regional farm co-ops. They're quite popular. They're made from 1 1/4-in. dia. outdoor furniture plastic so they're durable and won't rust. And because the base is filled with water, they're not likely to topple over."
  The double sprinkler model sells for $45 plus S&H.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Lloyd Henderson, Jaco Mfg., 1506 Hwy. 69, Haleyville, Alabama 35565 (ph 205 486-6865; james@ala.nu).

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2009 - Volume #33, Issue #3