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A New Experience In Outdoor Cooking
Latest new development in backyard barbequeing is the Air Flow Cooker, said to be twice as fast as a regular barbeque, to take half as much fuel, and require no "babysitting" whatsoever.
"The meat turns golden brown on all sides without basting or rotating," explains Glenn Houdersheldt, inventor-manufacturer.
Food is cooked by indirect heat and smoke, not by the fire itself. Flavor-saturated air moves through and around the food, sealing in natural juices and flavor. This method not only reduces shrinkage, but also cuts down on your cooking time as well, explains Houdersheldt.
He notes that the cooker has no fan or other moving parts so there is virtually nothing on it to wear out. Houdersheldt manufactures the iron grill insert which is surrounded by brick. You can have the entire unit custom-built, or you can buy the grill and do the brick work yourself.
Four grill decks stacked vertically each hold up to 12 half chickens, 6 whole chickens, 18 hamburgers, 120 hot dogs, 24 country style ribs, three 10 lb. turkeys or one 50 lb. pig.
Three small logs keep the cooking chamber between 250 and 450? for up to two hours. Indirect fire eliminates flare ups and burning. Drippings fall into a pan in the drip tray compartment for making tasty gravy, or for simple disposal.
A cooking and warming chamber built into the chimney can be used to bake potatoes, cook corn on the cob, warm bread or to prepare casseroles. Additional space in the chimney stack is perfect for smoking fish, venison, slabs of beef, bacon and other meats, explains Houdersheldt.
A damper door lets you adjust and control the fire, enabling you to cook as slow or as fast as you please. If your meat is done and you are not ready to eat, simply close the damper door and push the grill all the way to the rear. Your meat will remain warm and juicy for up to three hours without over cooking or drying out, according Houdersheldt.
The metal portion of the Air Flow Cooker is available with either a bronze or a stainless steel decor. The kit of all the steel components for do-it-yourself construction costs $495 in the bronze, and $800 in stainless steel. You would have to spend another $100 to $150 for bricks (250 modular bricks and 32 fire bricks), concrete reinforcing bar and some plywood for the base of the unit ù all of which could be purchased locally.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Outdoor Cooking of America, Glen Houdersheldt, President, 13112 Josephine Street,4 Omaha, Neb. 68138 (ph 402 895-

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1981 - Volume #5, Issue #3