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Culvert Makes Simple Dump cart
When Kyle Sand needed a dump cart for hauling manure to his garden, he made a dump cart out of a five foot section of 32-in. culvert. Cut in half lengthwise, the smooth interior lets material slide out easily when tipped. The corrugated exterior adds strength. For ends, Sand cut a recycled street sign in half.
    The tailgate is welded to a rod that hangs from rings at either outside edge of the culvert sides. The rings are made from short pieces of pipe set at a slightly greater width than the tailgate itself. A spring-loaded pin secures the tailgate when it's in the closed position.
    He welded a small steel plate at the lower front end of the cart and two steel straps the length of the culvert to reinforce it. Strips of 1-in. angle iron bolted to the top edges of the culvert and the ends further reinforce it as well as provide a smooth edge.
    The culvert is mounted on a cross frame of 2 by 2űin. steel tubing with wheel hub spindles welded to either end. A tongue of the same material is pinned to the cross frame, allowing the culvert bed to tip. When the culvert drops back down on the tongue, two steel plates welded to the front of the culvert slip over each side of the tongue, stabilizing it. A spring-loaded pin fixed to the tongue holds the culvert in place.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kyle Sand, 11080 Lynn Rd., Avon, Minn. 56310 (ph 320 363-1060).

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2009 - Volume #33, Issue #3