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Bag It Yourself With Weaverline
The Weaverline mulch bagger offers the same convenience and efficiency of commercial baggers, but for less cost.
  "Our machine is designed for nurseries, garden centers, farms and point-of-sale operations. It sells for $5,000. There's really no other machine in that price range," says Frank Weaver Jr., owner of the Pennsylvania company.
  His father built the first prototype in 1987 and went into full-scale production in 1996. Frank Jr. took over the company in 2001.
  The bagger is similar to a feed cart box, but is made of stainless steel. It holds 2 1/4 cubic yards, enough to bag about 30 2-cubic foot bags.
  The machine is not designed for topsoil or decorative stone, but it works well for peat and composted manure that farmers may want to sell directly from the farm.
  "It'll handle anything in the mulch related line," Weaver says. "It can also handle sand."
  Fill the hopper with a front-end loader, and a conveyor moves the material to four augers, which fluff the material. Attach a bag and push down on the foot pedal until the bag is full. The bagger uses a 1 1/2 hp dual voltage motor (powered by 110 or 220V).
  "It's a very trouble-free machine," Weaver says.
  The 900-lb. bagger is 92 by 51 by 97 in. and can be shipped by common carrier. It's available through a few dealers or direct from Weaverline.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Weaverline Corporation, 180 Boot Jack Rd., Narvon, Penn. 17555 (ph 877 464-1025).

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2009 - Volume #33, Issue #4