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Nifty Brush Puller
This idea has been around a long time, but FARM SHOW contributing editor C.F. Marley says it's worth reminding people about a simple idea that works great.
  The "brush strangler" consists of a piece of thick-walled pipe with a short length of chain welded to the side. It's used to yank out brush and small saplings.
  "If you just try to pull brush with a chain wrapped around it, the chain will slide up and off. The pipe bites into the brush or sapling and lets you rip it right out of the ground," says Marley.
  You simply run a chain through the pipe, around whatever clump of brush you want to pull out, and hook up to the short chain on the side of the pipe.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, C.F. Marley, P.O. Box 93, Nokomis, Ill. 72075 (ph 217 563-2588).

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2009 - Volume #33, Issue #4