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Ball Mount Fits On 3-Pt. Mounted Bale Forks
A friend of mine has a portable sawmill and had been using his pickup to move it. He also has an Allis Chalmers tractor with which he sets logs on the sawmill. He wanted an easier way to move the sawmill, so I came up with a ball mount that lets him use the 3-pt. mounted bale forks on his tractor to do the job.
  I welded two pieces of channel iron together to form a short length of sq. tubing that slips over the bale fork, and added a piece of flat iron with a hole in it to mount a ball hitch. A threaded bolt keeps the tubing tight against the bale fork. The operator can see the ball hitch at all times so he doesn't need a helper like he would with a pickup. It's not fancy but it works. (Richard Nikrant, 879 I Adams St., Nashville, Ill. 62263 ph 618 327-3530)

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2009 - Volume #33, Issue #5