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Bright LED Lights Make Road Travel Safer
"After 25 years as a paramedic, I've seen an increasing number of traffic accidents involving farm equipment. This idea greatly increases visibility on the road," says Tim Mack, who recently converted the factory-supplied incandescent warning lights on his tractor to mini, high intensity LED lights .
  "We installed a 3-LED amber light head at each corner of the tractor cab, two on front and two on back, and wired them to flash at the same time. The lights are visible for a mile or more, even on sunny days. They're very durable and have a low current draw. Makes me wonder why farm equipment manufacturers haven't yet picked up on this idea themselves."
  He says his total cost was about $250, and installation took two to three hours. He bought them from Northern Safety Technology in Farmington, Minn., (ph 651 460-1292).
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tim Mack, Bridgeview Farms, 46070 County 10 Blvd., Zumbrota, Minn. 55992 (bridgeviewfarms@hcinet.net).

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2009 - Volume #33, Issue #6