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Colorado Pizza Farms Keeps On Growing
The Pizza Farm near Wellington, Colo. is a half acre garden that tells the story of all the farm ingredients that go into a pizza. There are "slices" for wheat, dairy, swine, vegetables and herbs. The pizza plot is located at Harvest Farm, a rehab facility for 72 men who have struggled with addiction and homelessness.
"The Pizza Farm and our fall Harvest Farm Fest are two of our biggest attractions," says Greta Walker, public relations, Harvest Farm. "We had between 15,000 and 20,000 visitors to the farm between September and October. The Pizza Farm is a really popular attraction for youth and children's groups."
Walker says the Pizza Farm and Harvest Farm Fest do more than just raise needed money for the program. They also provide work for the residents and a chance to be in a positive communication role with the public.
"These men are here because they want to make positive changes in their lives and become self-sufficient, productive citizens," says Walker. "The program gives them a positive work experience while learning new skills."
Harvest Farm, like other parts of the Christian Outreach Denver Rescue Mission, reports an 85 percent success rate with graduates a year after completing the program. It has been so successful that Harvest Farm has recently expanded with a neighboring 100 acres being added, doubling its original size.
"We are working on building transitional housing for the new property, expanding to welcome more people to the farm," says Walker. "We are really excited for the growth. When men go to Harvest Farm, they feel like it is a sanctuary away from the city and the temptations they fight. They are able to find peace and concentrate on recovery."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Harvest Farm, 4240 East County Road 66, Wellington, Colo. 80549 (ph 970 568-9803; www.harvestfarm.net).

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2009 - Volume #33, Issue #6