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Solution For Kubota Tractor Teeth
Steve Reeves, Benton, Ky.: "I use the teeth on my 21 hp Kubota backhoe to cut through tree roots. On big roots I use the teeth like a knife blade to shave the root down until it's thin enough that I can pull it out. However, after a lot of use the teeth started coming loose. The teeth wiggled to either side, which made it difficult to keep them from sliding off the roots.
  "I got tired of having to retighten the bolts all the time so I made a U-shaped weld around each tooth, making sure I welded right up next to the tooth but not into it. The weld keeps the tooth from wiggling from side to side, yet if a tooth ever breaks I can still loosen the bolt and slide it out.
  "Eventually the teeth get dull and don't do a good job of cutting through the roots. Then I use a hard surface welding rod and build the teeth back up with new metal. I use a grinder on the tooth until it's razor sharp again.
  "I have problems with arthritis, which makes it difficult to lay on a shop floor and work on equipment. To solve the problem I use a motorcycle hoist. It lets me raise the equipment to working height and then sit in a computer chair and roll around the machine as needed. The air lift operates off a compressor and is foot-operated. It has a capacity of up to 1,500 lbs. so I can use it to lift riding mowers, rototillers, pressure washers, and so forth. I bought the lift at Harbor Freight for $479 (ph 800 444-3353; www.harborfreight.com)."

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2009 - Volume #33, Issue #6