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Plastic Snowplow Designed For Cars
You can use your car to plow snow with this new quick-tach blade.
The "Kar-plow" is a lightweight V-shaped snowplow that attaches to any car, mini van, or pickup. Made of plastic, it weighs about 35 lbs. and attaches to brackets on the front end of the vehicle. The brackets install in about 30 min. and stay on the vehicle until the winter is over. Once the harness is in place, you can attach or detach the snowplow in about the same amount of time that it takes to open and close the hood of the car, says inventor Gregg Knutson.
The snowplow has two 4-ft. long blades that clear a 7-ft. path. The blades flex to pre-vent damage if you hit an object. The entire unit folds up into a 1 1/2-ft. wide bundle for storage - small enough so you can throw it in the back of your car.
"It's easy to mount and is much less ex-pensive than a conventional pickup-mounted blade," says Knutson. "You just plow a path down the middle of your drive-way, back up using the same path, and then plow the left and right side. The snowplow tilts at an angle so it digs in while moving forward and floats over the snow when backing up. It'll handle up to 8 in. of snow at a time. It takes less than 10 min. to clear a 100-ft. long, 20-ft. wide driveway."
Knutson is looking for a manufacturer and expects the unit to sell for under $400.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gregg Knutson, 2951 Granada Lane, Oakdale, Minn. 55128 (ph 612 770-9383).

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1996 - Volume #20, Issue #1