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Toilet Train Your Cat
If you keep a cat indoors, you're familiar with litter box problems. A new book teaches you how to train your cat to use a toilet, eliminating the need for litter.
"It's unnatural for a cat to use the same spot over and over. In the wild they leave a scent barrier of urine and feces at the edges of their territory. Many housecats develop neurotic behavior that can be directly traced to the litter box," says writer Paul Kunkel, who's been traveling the country pointing out to cat owners that training your cat to use the toilet also eliminates all the work involved in cleaning and emptying out the litter box.
Kunkel's method takes 21 days. Most cats catch on fast and most owners love it, he says. The only trick Kunkel hasn't been able to teach cats is to flush.
Here's how the training method works (this is a summary - the book carries detailed, step-by-step instructions): Firstplace the litter box next to the toilet until the cat is comfortable using it there. Then you very slowly raise it up using books, magazines or newspapers for 13 days until bottom of litter box is at the same level as the toilet seat.
On day 14, the litter box is moved over so that one-quarter of the box is resting on the toilet itself. On the 15th day the box is moved even more so that three-quarters of the box rests on the seat. On day 16, the litter box is placed directly over the toilet seat and secured in place with tape. On the 17th day, you remove the litter box, lift up the toilet seat, and stretch a piece of plastic across the rim, leaving a slight depression filled with litter. Then lower the toilet seat and allow the cat to use it.
On the 18th day, a new piece of plastic is stretched across the rim with a 2-in. dia. hole in the center surrounded by some litter.
On day 19, replace the plastic with another piece with a 3-in. dia. hole and use less litter. By the 20th day, the cat should be completely adjusted to using the toilet and you can get rid of your litter.
Kunkel's book, "How To Toilet Train Your Cat", sells for $5.95. It's available at pet stores or contact FARM SHOW Followup, Workman Publishing, 708 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10003 (ph 800 722-7202 or 212 254-5900).

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1992 - Volume #16, Issue #1