2010 - Volume #BFS, Issue #10, Page #14
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Windspire Produces Low-Cost Energy
Forget about giant propellers spinning in the breeze. Windspire from Mariah Power is a 1.2 kW, 30-ft. tall, 4-ft. dia. unit that spins in position. Designed to be a "personal" wind system, the unit comes complete with a built-in wireless modem that transmits power production information to a computer.
"We wanted a low cost product that the average person could afford," says Walt Borland, CEO, Mariah Power. "It comes with everything you need to plug it into the house or grid. No separate pole or inverter is needed."
The straight-bladed Darrieus design was introduced in June, 2008. The company says a Windspire can produce up to 2,000 kWh of electricity a year in 12 mph (average) winds. The design is a self starter and produces electricity even at low speeds, but has a survival rate of 105 mph. Installation takes only a few hours. The cost for a fully-installed Windspire ranges from $9,000 to $12,000 before the 30 percent Federal tax credit and local rebates available in many areas. The turbine also qualifies for REAP grants through the USDA.
Borland reports that more than 450 Windspires have been installed across the country. He credits the economical cost of a Windspire and a 10-year payback on the machine for the response. They've opened a new factory in Michigan to increase production, he adds. Windspires have been installed around the country at farms, homes, businesses and schools.
Mariah Power claims its low speed Giromill design rotor and high efficiency generator designed for those low speeds sets their machine apart. Rotor tip speed (rotor edge) is only two to three times the speed of the wind for nearly silent (5 dB estimated at 5 ft. from the base) operation. The total integrated system of rotor, generator and inverter optimizes efficiency.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Mariah Power, 5450 Louie Lane, Reno, Nev. 89511; ph 775-857-4888; www.mariah power.com).

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2010 - Volume #BFS, Issue #10