2010 - Volume #BFS, Issue #10, Page #45
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Ribbon Fries Sell Like Hotcakes
If you're looking for a part-time or fulltime money-making venture, you might want to consider making curly fries, says Dr. Bill Beyers, Oconee, Ill. Last year he made curly fries at a local church festival using a simple drill-powered device and they were a big hit. He says the unusual treat would do well at any local fair or festival.
  One potato will produce a plateful of ribbon or curly fries, all connected to each other. According to the company that makes the curly and ribbon fry machines, an order of fries sells for $5 in most areas.
  The concept of making curly fries is simple enough. The machine works somewhat like a small auger. An electric drill turns the cutter and cuts away a layer at a time from the potato, producing a plate filled with one long ribbon when it's done. The ribbon is then immersed in boiling oil.
The company makes two models, both stainless stee which are powered by electric drills.
The Ribbon potato cutter mounts on a custom table powered by a 3/8" VSR electric drill which is included and sells for $285 plus $22 S&H (U.S.). The Curly Fry Potato Cutter comes with a cordless drill, an extra battery and charger. It mounts on rocker legs for easy operation. It sells for $319 plus $22 S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ribbon Fries (ph 605 996-7637; bearsrus@mit.midco.net; www.ribbonfries.biz).

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2010 - Volume #BFS, Issue #10