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4-Wheel Steer Wagon Makes Tight Turns
"You have to see it to believe how much easier it is to use," Richard Reed, Loudonville, Ohio, says about his 4-wheel steer, 300-lb. capacity little red wagon. As the front wheels turn, the rear wheels follow, turning on their own axis and allowing the wagon to negotiate tight turns with ease.
"No more running into things with the rear of the wagon," notes Reed, who located a manufacturer, Tring Corporation, to pro-duce the wagon. "I built the first one for my own use. My father encouraged me to pursue it so, after retirement, I took the idea to Tring Corp. and they helped me apply for a patent and then built a production unit."
The company makes two models - one with wooden sides and the other with steel sides. (They also make flatbed models for nurseries or as garden utility carts.) Both models have full steel undercarriages, nylon steering bearings, and heavy-duty wheels (available with solid or pneumatic rubber tires). Carrying capacity is 300 lbs. and there's an optional push handle that lets you keep an eye on cargo as you go.
Prices range from $134 to $199.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tring Corporation, 8991 E. Lincoln Way, Orrville, Ohio 44667 (ph 216 683-7777).

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1992 - Volume #16, Issue #5