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Simple Way To Level Driveway
Anyone who's ever graded a driveway with a 3-pt. mounted blade on back of an older tractor knows it's not that easy to do a smooth, level job.
    Frank Taylor, Napanee, Ont., was tired of the problem so he came up with a simple way to solve it.
    "I drag a big Eastern Red Cedar (Juniper) behind the tractor with a chain. The branches on these trees are very tough and springy. The tree spreads the gravel dug up by the blade, fills the potholes, and filters the larger stones off to the side. Works great and each tree lasts 2 to 3 years. Once it gets flat or worn on the bottom, I just flip it over and use the other side."
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Frank Taylor, Napanee, Ont., Canada (frank.taylor@napnet.ca).

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2010 - Volume #34, Issue #3