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Platform Ladder Great For Orchard Work
"It's the world's best fruit picking ladder," says Gordon Bendall, Tauranga, New Zeal-and, about his new "Superstep" aluminum ladder with an extended platform on top.
The top step is about 5 ft. long and is braced on the angled third leg of the ladder. It can be inserted deep into a tree without causing foliage damage that can lead to disease. "You can stand on it all day comfortably because it's wide enough for your feet, unlike ordinary ladder rungs," notes Bendall.
Sells for $195.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gordon Bendall, Clarke Road, Te Puna, RD6, Tauranga, New Zealand (ph 07 552-5558; fax 07 552-5005).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #3