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How To Plow Snow With Zero-Turn Mower
Add a Universal Mounting Bar from Country ZTR, and you can turn your mid-mount, zero-turn radius mower into a snowplow. It can even be used as a dirt blade the rest of the year and you can also attach a fertilizer spreader or aerator.

"Most customers buy it with the bar and then add other attachments over time," he says. "The snow blade is easy to disengage. Swapping tools takes about 10 min."

The bar includes a foot pedal for pushing down the spring-mounted snow blade. Release the pedal, and the blade rises. The blade can be set at 3 different angle positions and comes with replaceable edge and bottom height adjusters.

Country ZTR claims a zero-turn mower equipped with their snow blade can move snow 3 times faster than a garden tractor with blade or a conventional snowblower. It takes advantage of the speed and maneuverability of the mower.

The mounting bar attaches easily to the caster wheel support frame. Clamp-on adapters can be used or pivot brackets. For the brackets, holes are drilled in the frame, and the brackets are bolted in place.

"The bar fits 90 percent of the zero-turn radius mowers on the market," says Goosens. "We have a lot of customers with multi-acre lots, as well as commercial landscapers and lawn services."

Country ZTR snow blades are available in a 4-ft. version ($455) or a 5-ft. version priced at $485 with the mounting bar. The other attachments are available with or without the bar. Without the bar, the broadcast spreader is priced at $320, the aerator is priced at $390 and the hauler is priced at $220. The Universal Mounting Bar by itself costs $59. All prices include free shipping.

Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Country ZTR Equipment, P.O. Box 104, 333 Salem Ave., Fredericktown, Ohio 43019 (ph 740 694-9926; toll free 800 335-1880; admin@countryztr.com; www.countryztr.com).

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2010 - Volume #34, Issue #6