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Kerosene Heaters Catching On Fast
"It's the most popular farm stove we've ever sold," says Brian Skillestad, president of Skillestad Engineering, Cannon Falls, Minn. He's the Minnesota distributor for Kero-sun, a Japanese-built kerosene heater that shuts off instantly and automatically if tipped over.
"In fact, just tilting the stove slightly will automatically shut it off. This safety feature is one of its strong selling points among farmers," says Brian, who cites the following additional features of the popular "go anywhere" heater:
•Burns without any odor and requires no venting.
• Low cost operation. "With Kerosene averaging 60 to 70c a gal., average cost of operation is only 3-4c an hour. In most areas of the country, it's far cheaper than supplemental electric heat. Biggest economy is that you enjoy all the heat the Kero-Sun produces. None goes up the flue pipe," explains Skillestad.
• Push-button lighting. Just press a button and a battery powered electric ignitor automatically starts glowing right above the heater's wick. Within seconds, the heater is lighted and cranking out heat.
Skillestad notes that the Kero-Sun line, well known throughout the world but new to the U.S., i s available in 3 radiant models, and 3 omni models which are omni-directional. "Big daddy" of the line is the Omni 105 with a maximum output of 18,000 btu's per hour. "It's especially popular with farmers for providing portable supplemental heat wherever needed - in farrowing barns, milking parlors, the farm shop or even in the farm home. The "big daddy" Omni 105 sells for $219.
The long-burning champion of the Kero-Sun line is the radiant-style Model 10. It burns over 30 hours on less than 2 gal. of fuel.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kero-Sun Inc., Box 340 Main Street, Kent, Conn. 06757 (ph 203 927-3585).

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1979 - Volume #3, Issue #1