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"Mini Mack" Dump Truck
"I built it to look like a miniature version of an early 1970's Mack dump truck," says Art Pascale, Monson, Mass., about the 10-ft. long, 10-wheeled dump truck he built using components off an old Sears riding mower including the machine's front and rear axles, engine, and steering gear.
    The truck rides on 12-in. high tractor tires and is powered by a 10 hp Briggs & Stratton engine that mounts on a frame made from sq. tubing that's located behind the cab. The rig's 5-speed transaxle is off the riding mower. The dump box really works and is raised and lowered by a pair of hydraulic cylinders off a 1969 Ford convertible.
    "It was fun to build and really turned out nice," says Pascale. "This is the third miniature Mack truck I've built over the years. I recently sold it to a construction company, which painted it the same color as their company trucks to drive it in parades. I mounted the engine on back instead of under the hood in order to make room for the driver. The engine is exposed whenever the dump box is raised. I use a 2-way switch on the dash to raise and lower the box."
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Art Pascale, 59 High St., Monson, Mass. 01057 (ph 413 267-9982).

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2011 - Volume #35, Issue #1