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1/2-Scale Tractors Built From Garden Tractors
Kurt Smith, Milan, Mich., recently sent FARM SHOW photos of a pair of garden tractors that he converted into 1/2-scale tractors. He turned a 1968 Cub Cadet into a 1/2-scale IH 826 model, and a 1973 Deere 110 into a 1/2-scale Deere 2030.
    "I've been reading your magazine off and on since I was about 10 years old - that's been 23 years now. I grew up on a 1,600-acre farm that had both these tractors. In fact, over the years we were split right down the middle regarding tractor loyalty. When I was young, we had seven green tractors and seven red ones. I put about 800 hrs. on an IH 826 as a teenager.
    "I designed both mini tractors on my computer. I came up with the exact measurements of various components that mount on the frames. For both projects, I stripped the tractors down to the frame first.
    "Both tractors have rear ćhub caps' that replicate the original cast rims found on each real tractor. Such detail adds a lot to the realism of the tractors."
    Smith is willing to make tractors for people, or parts for customizing your own tractor. He writes a blog about his projects at www.BrushfireDesign.blogspot.com.

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2011 - Volume #35, Issue #1