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Self-Cleaning Livestock Stalls, Pens
Cattle stalls and hog pens with moving floors that turn like the belt on a treadmill attracted a lot of attention at Eurotier.
  Swedish pig farmer Tommy Lidvall invented the "Moving Floor" concept and patented it world wide. He says dairy farmers who have installed the system now use 70 percent less bedding and cows stay cleaner. Computer-controlled to allow adjustments for type of animals and conditions, the floor's mechanical drive is driven by compressed air. Manure is cleaned off at one end while fresh bedding is added at the other.
  The system can be installed in new or existing buildings. All that's needed is a fairly flat floor.
  The concept is already in use with cows, calves, pigs, horses, sheep and even dogs.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Moving Floor AB, Kvie Ekeby/621 70 Visby, Sweden (ph 011 46 498-27 27 60; info@movingfloor.se; www.movingfloor.se)

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2011 - Volume #35, Issue #1