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Take Control Of Your Phone
You can eliminate the nuisance of harrassing calls, sales calls or any other calls with this new add-on device that fits any phone.
Tele-Screen greets incoming calls with this message: "Thank you for calling. Please enter the four-digit passcode." Your phone only rings if the caller enters the correct code. If no code - or the incorrect code - is entered, the call is automatically disconnected.
You can use the keypad to change your code at any time, or to deactivate the unit. It's like having an unlisted phone number whenvever you want to have it unlisted. The phone rings once so you know the unit is working. The device can also be used on fax and computer lines. One unit required for each extension.
Sells for $44.95.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, The Edge Co., P.O. Box 826, Brattleboro, VT. 05302 (ph 800 732-9976).

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1996 - Volume #20, Issue #1