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"Hands Free" Garden Sack
The Gardener's Hollow Leg (GHL) is a 10-in. dia., 23-in. deep polyester fabric sack that comes with an expandable (32 in. to 52 in.) belt. It's easy to fill and easy to empty and holds up to 33 lbs.
Bob Blumberg says the idea was born in his garden while deadheading flowers and pruning branches and vines. "I didn't want to carry around a bucket or have to walk back to one every time I got my hands full."
The great thing about the GHL is that when it's not in use, it hangs free and out of the way. With a capacity of approximately 5 gal., plenty of garden refuse can be picked up between trips to dump. It's also great for picking fruit or vegetables. A heavy strap at the bottom of the bag serves as a handle for dumping.
The patented ring opening holds the mouth of the sack open for filling and dumping. When the sack is empty, it hangs nearly vertical, moving perpendicular to the hip as the sack fills.
The GHL comes with a pocket for a cell phone or iPod. The adjustable belt accommodates pruner holsters and other clip-on garden tools.
"The weight stays on your legs, not on your neck or shoulders," notes Blumberg.
The Gardener's Hollow Leg is priced at $29.95 with $4.95 shipping for four or less units. It's available online at the company's website or at retailers throughout the U.S. (see website for list).
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gardener's Hollow Leg, 1442 A Walnut Street #59, Berkeley, Calif. 94709 (ph 510 735-6165; info@thegardenershollowleg.com; www.thegardenershollowleg.com).

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2011 - Volume #35, Issue #3