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World's Largest Weathervane
The world’s largest weathervane is a ship-topped tower in Montague, Mich., that stands 48 ft. tall and weighs 4,300 lbs.
“It has been a good tourist attraction for the town,” says Steve Schneider of the Montague Chamber of Commerce. “It’s often featured in travel articles as a roadside attraction you shouldn’t miss.”
The weathervane was donated to the town by nearby Whitehall Products, a company that makes a wide variety of weathervanes, bird feeders and plaques (www.whitehallproducts.com).
The weathervane is made from recycled aluminum. The ship topping the tower is modeled after the Ella Ellenwood, a schooner that was built in Mich. in 1869 and sailed out of the White Lake Channel at Montague. Though the ship eventually ran aground and sank near Milwaukee, the wooden nameplate washed up back at its home harbor. The weathervane sits only a few hundred feet from the ship’s original dock.
The ship atop the weathervane is more than 14 ft. long and nearly 12 ft. tall. The arrow under the ship is more than 26 ft. long. The foundation required to hold the weathervane in place weighs more than 45,000 lbs.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, White Lake Area Chamber of Commerce, 124 Hanson St., Whitehall, Mich. 49461 (ph 231 893-4585
 or 800 879-9702; www.whitelake.org).

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2011 - Volume #35, Issue #5