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Company Collects Plastic Bale Twine For Recycling
I really appreciated your article earlier this year about our company, which collects plastic bale twine for recycling. Since October, 2009, we’ve collected, packaged and shipped over 300,000 lbs. of twine. We’re currently expanding the business into a nationwide network of collectors. There is so much waste twine all over the country that we’re looking for like-minded individuals interested in getting into a business like this. In many areas of the country it’s illegal to burn plastic. We supply our customers with large totes to store their twine, which keeps it clean and makes it easier for us to retrieve it. (Sara J. Bates, East Oregon Plastics; eastoregonplastics@yahoo.com; ph 541 403-1522)

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2011 - Volume #35, Issue #5