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Backward Rake Rides On Wheels
A real eye catcher at a recent farm show was the "Ken-Rake", a "backwards" rake on wheels that you push ù rather than pull ù through the lawn, clearing a 5 ft. swath.
The innovative rake was designed by Phil Lambert, Zimmerman, Minn., and is being marketed by K & K Sales Inc., of Tracy, Minn.
"The main advantage of the Ken-Rake is that you don't get tired of raking leaves," says the inventor. "You're doing all the work with your legs, instead of your arms, which allows you to rake three times faster than with a conventional broom rake."
Ken-Rakes are available in two and three "rake wide" models. The three rake model features three plastic rake, heads mounted on a frame that lets you cover a 5 ft. wide swath.
The key feature of the Ken-Rake is the spring loaded arm that extends from the handle down to the base of the unit. As you push the rake, the arm moves forward, pushing the teeth against the grass. When you pull the handle back, the rake teeth spring back.
The rake has a 22 in. wide lawnmower-type handle and folds flat for storage.
The "three rake" Ken-Rake sells for $59.95, and the "two rake" model sells for $56.95, plus shipping.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, K & K Sales, Inc., Box 156, Tracy, Minn. 56175 (ph 507 629-3405).

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1983 - Volume #7, Issue #6