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Calf Hutch Sports "Swing-Up" Bedding Door
“Our new group calf hutch is equipped with a simple, swing-up bedding door on back. It makes adding bedding to the hutch an easy job and saves a lot of time,” says Skip Wiswell, Agri-Plastics, Tonawanda, N.Y.
  The hutch is molded from heavy gauge plastic and has a door on back that’s built in two halves, which are connected together at the top. There’s a grab handle on each half door. As you lift one of the handles, both doors engage a large gear at the top that lets them open at the same time. Once the doors reach the horizontal position, they lock them in place. It leaves about a 3-ft. sq. opening.
  “It’s really easy to use and eliminates the need to handle hay or bedding more than once,” says Wiswell. “Both doors come with built-in louvers to provide ventilation, and a round spinner-type louver on top of the doors provides additional ventilation.”
  The hutch can be used together with a large 12 by 16-ft. galvanized pen that has a sealed plastic feed trough, training rail, and man-pass door on front. The pen’s side panels are made from 14-ga. galvanized metal. All corners of the pen pin together for fast disassembly.
  “The hutch comes with a lift kit on top that lets you use a front-end loader to raise the hutch off the ground for easy cleaning,” notes Wiswell.
  The group hutch sells for $727 plus S&H. The galvanized pen system sells for $1,175 plus S&H.
  The company also builds a louvered “3-in-1 rear door” into its deluxe EXL single calf hutch. The back side of the hutch is equipped with an extra large adjustable grill vent, bedding door, and brackets for a bottle holder and 2 pails for rear feeding. You just grab a handle to lift the door up and out of the way.
  The deluxe EXL single calf hutch sells for $374 plus S&H.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Agri-Plastics, 600 Main St., Suite 224, Tonawanda, N.Y. 14151 (ph 888 231-3575 or 607 591-0103; skip@agri-plastics.net; www.agri-plastics.net).

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2011 - Volume #35, Issue #6