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Combine Grain Dryer
"I've done all the homework to prove it works. What I need now is a manufacturer willing to take it over and run with it," says Clinton T. Van Winkle, retired Nebraska farmer and inventor of a combine grain dryer.
The unit dries grain "on the go" as it's being harvested, using heat from the engine's exhaust. An auxiliary 31/z hp. gasoline engine drives 4 drying fans used to move heated air through grain as it is loaded into the combine grain tank. The dryer develops 750,000 btu's and can remove up to 10 points of moisture in wet grain, according to Van Winkle.
After harvest, the unit can be taken off the combine and used for in-storage drying. "The dryer can be adapted to most makes of combines and doesn't reduce the combine's harvesting speed or efficiency," Van Winkle points out. "I've field tested it 3 years and know it works."
Van Winkle, who is retired from farming, is looking for someone to take over manufacture and marketing of his invention.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Clinton J. Van Winkle, Cairo, Neb. 68824 (ph 308 485-4668).

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1980 - Volume #4, Issue #1