2012 - Volume #BFS, Issue #12, Page #67
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Cooling System Saves Money On AC
“I use an everyday lawn sprinkler to keep the roof of my house cool during the summer. I got the idea because my air conditioner wasn’t big enough to keep up,” says Roger Altman, an engineer/inventer who lives in rural New York.
  Altman calls his system PERC, which stands for Perimeter Evaporative Roof Cooling. “My concept will let the average handyman build a house roof cooling system for under $100,” Altman says.
  PERC uses conventional lawn sprinklers that are anchored to roof gutters and connected through garden hoses to a spigot fitted with a conventional on/off watering timer. A thermostat mounted on the top of roof shingles triggers water flow when the roof temperature reaches 110 degrees. Water is sprayed across the roof for 20 to 25 seconds so all of the shingles become completely wet.
  “PERC is basically an external air conditioning system,” Altman said. “As the water evaporates from the roof, the temperature of the shingles goes down 40 to 50 degrees and remains below 110 degrees for about 20 min. Then the system triggers the sprinkler so the cycle can start again.”
  Altman says that for every gallon of water that evaporates from a roof, about 8,000 btu’s of heat are “sucked away”. That evaporation reduces the air conditioner’s workload by 50 percent, which saves quite a bit of money on electricity. If a new AC is purchased to work alongside the PERC, capital costs are reduced by about 40 percent.
   People can learn how to build Altman’s system by going to his website and then downloading plans.   
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Roger Altman (ph 315 215-4013; BPRIBPRI@gmail.com; www.tips4toughtimes.com).

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2012 - Volume #BFS, Issue #12