He Built A Double Drum Gold "Trommel"
Larry Deglow can go through 5 to 6 yards of dirt an hour with his combination gold “trommel” and sluice box setup. The Claresholm, Alta., resident looked at other existing units and came up with his own double drum design.
  “The gold is in the fine stuff. This gets it out faster,” he says.
  The outer drum is a 30-gal. barrel with a 13-in. wide, 1/2-in. expanded metal screen positioned over the sluice. The inner drum is made of 3/4-in. expanded metal screen. The aggregate material is dumped in at the higher end of the barrel and mixes with water pumped through a 2-in. pipe in the center with 1/4-in. spray holes. The biggest material washes out the end of the drum while the smaller stuff drops into the outer drum, where it’s screened again so that only 1/2-in. or less size material falls to the sluice.
  Deglow powers his trommel with a 6 1/2-hp gas engine. An electric motor could also be used.
  “The drive belt goes over the whole barrel to get good traction with the heavy material,” he explains.
  Mounted on wheels with a detachable sluice box, hitch and legs, it’s handy for a hobby gold prospector to move around by hand or with an ATV. That’s what Deglow does when he heads to nearby British Columbia to look for gold.
  “I hook it up to a 1 1/2-in. water pump, and I’m ready to go,” he says.
  He built his first trommel in 2010 and refined it.
  “It worked well last year,” he says. “It’s quiet, efficient and gets to the size you want fast.”
  Deglow has started to build them for other hobby gold prospectors for $1,800 (motor/engine not included). The complete unit weighs about 300 lbs. and is 64 in. long.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Larry Deglow, 20 Skyline Mews, P.O. Box 1928, Claresholm, Alta. T0L 0T0 Canada (ph 403 625-4522; baron1larry_1@hotmail.com).

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2012 - Volume #36, Issue #2