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Front Porch Clothesline
Rain, snow or sunshine, it’s possible to hang out laundry with Larry Miller’s clothesline system. Two powder-coated steel ends conveniently fold up against the ceiling of a porch or overhang when not in use. A 45-degree support rod with a turnbuckle tightener keeps the four lines taut when the clothesline is down.
  Miller, owner of L&C Welding LLC, in Shipshewana, Ind., built the clothesline at a customer’s request 3 years ago and has been busy making them ever since, mostly for Amish customers.
  “Wet clothes are heavy, so 30 ft. is the maximum span between supports,” Miller says, noting that an extra line holder could be added in the center for longer spans. The legs are lag bolted into the ceiling with two bolts.
  The ends telescope so they can adjust from 26 to 38 in. He builds two sizes: up to 9 ft. 6 in. for outside porches and 7 ft. 6 in. for basements. He carries two styles, plain and one with a decorative scroll.
  Prices range from $235 to $290 (plus shipping).
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Larry Miller, L&C Welding LLC, 11705 W. 300 S., Shipshewana, Ind. 46565 (ph 260 593-0025).

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2012 - Volume #36, Issue #2