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T-Post "Spade Props" Help Keep Posts Vertical
“I’ve always been a stickler for building plumb and square. This method lets me do that easily,” says Keith Knoche, Powell Butte, Ore., who recently sent FARM SHOW photos of the 2 by 4 “props” he makes out of old T-posts.
  “The biggest challenge for me is to set posts that remain absolutely vertical while tamping dirt around the base,” says Knoche. “One day I grabbed some scrap 2 by 4’s to prop up some posts for a shed front, but they kept slipping. I found a stack of bent T-posts, popped the metal spades off, and used drywall screws to attach the spades to the ends of 2 by 4’s.”
  Knoche says that with the use of a level, he can use three of his homemade props to hold a 17-ft. pole in position.
  “I’ve made up more than a dozen of these props in varying lengths from 3 1/2 to 6 1/2 ft. long,” notes Knoche.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Keith Knoche, 1291 N.W. McDaniel Rd., Powell Butte, Ore. 97753 (ph 541 447-5601).

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2012 - Volume #36, Issue #2