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Sprick Trap Modified To Kill Moles
Successful gopher trap inventor Ken Sprick thinks he has another winner on his hands with his new mole trap. The mole trap is based on his original gopher-getter with its top trip design.
  “It’s very similar to the gopher trap, just a little smaller,” says Sprick. “I moved the trip mechanism between the legs and lowered it for the smaller mole.”
  Like the gopher trap, the trip mechanism hangs down from above. The mole trap legs clamp in and down from above to grab the rodent. The top-trip design ensures moles coming from either direction in the tunnel will trip the trap. It also reduces the chance the trap will become clogged by dirt, as often happens with conventional traps.
  The main body of the scorpion-like design contains the powerful tensioning springs. Like the gopher trap, the “tail” of the mole trap has a loop for attaching a stake or wire.
  Sprick uses his setting aids similar to beer can openers to pry open the arms and set the trap.
  Sprick is pricing the mole trap at $8 with the setting tool priced at $3. Sprick is confident the trap will work as well for others as it has for him. His only concern is being able to fill orders. The retired tool designer and machinist builds all his traps himself with his custom-designed hydraulic press.
  “I don’t have a supply built up, and since the letter about my gopher trap ran in Best and Worst Buys (Vol. 36, No. 2), I am busy filling orders for it,” says Sprick. “If people order mole traps, I hope they will be patient. I may have to hire someone to help me build traps.”
  FARM SHOW has one of Sprick’s mole traps. Once moles return to the lawn, as they do every year, the trap will get a FARM SHOW trial.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ken Sprick, 59565 390th Ave., Zumbro Falls, Minn. 55991 (ph 507 753-2337; ksprick@centurylink.net).

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2012 - Volume #36, Issue #3