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Nifty Way To Display Tool Collection
Tom Korn says his sturdy plywood panels provide a perfect way to display his hand tool collection. And fellow residents of Ojai, Calif., enjoy seeing them in the windows of a local hardware store.
  The collection got its start more than 40 years ago.
  “My grandfather gave me a few tools in the late 60’s,” he recalls. In the mid 1980’s, he started buying inexpensive tools at garage sales and flea markets. He became such a familiar face at the Ventura flea market that vendors called him “Mr. Screwdriver” and “Mr. Monkey Wrench”.
  Several years ago, he decided the tools weren’t doing anyone any good sitting in boxes in his garage, so he started making 20 by 20-in. panels out of 1/2-in. plywood. Narrow shelves secured with brass screws on the bottom support the tools along with thin wire slipped over the tools through holes in the plywood, and twisted tight on the back. With artistic layouts of similar tools, a rounded top and nice stain, the displays are attractive and portable with a handy slot at the top to carry them.
  Korn has 26 panels in all. The heaviest is 31 lbs. and holds monkey wrenches. The largest tool is an oilfield wrench. A few panels display smaller items such as square nails, lock washers, railroad spikes, electric wire fasteners and porcelain knobs and handles.
  He occasionally hangs out at the hardware store and enjoys talking to people about some of the tools. Korn is pleased that he can share his collection with young people.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tom Korn, 2144 Los Encinos Rd., Ojai, Calif. 93023 (ph 805 649-9236; magobk@ojaimail.com).

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2012 - Volume #36, Issue #3