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Coal Auger Helps Burn Pellets In Barrel Stove
Marvin Bauer added parts from a coal stoker to a fuel barrel to burn wood pellets.
  “It does a good job heating our 40 by 80-ft. shop,” says the Ronan, Mont., resident. “Pellets are so much neater than messing with wood.”
  Bauer had first turned the 300-gal. fuel barrel into a wood stove, but decided he preferred to burn pellets, which are readily available in the area. He had an old coal stoker that came out of a school after it closed.
  Bauer used the stoker’s auger and blower. He improvised a pickup wheel and disc blade inside the bottom of the stove welded to the end of the auger that moves the coal into the stove. A coupling in the middle of the wheel pushes pellets into the stove. A smaller barrel next to the stove has used crankcase oil that also drips into the stove.
  With the coal stoker’s blower, everything adjusts automatically, Bauer says, and the stove has produced a nice even heat for several years.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Marvin Bauer, 50437 Rocky Butte Rd., Ronan, Mont. 59864 (ph 406 644-2793).

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2012 - Volume #36, Issue #5