4-Wheeler Log Skidder
“I heat my house with firewood off my own property. I used to cut the wood in 20-in. lengths and carry it out by hand, or skid the logs out using a 4-wheeler and a chain. Then I decided to build a log skidder for my 4-wheeler that has made the job a lot easier,” says John Dougoveto of Iron Mountain, Mich.
  He started with the 36-in. wide axle off a motorcycle sidecar and welded a length of 2 1/2-in. angle iron onto it. Using square tubing, he welded a tongue onto the angle iron. Then he welded a V-shaped log holder on top.
  “It really works good. I cut the logs into whatever lengths I can handle, then drive up to them with the 4-wheeler and log skidder and place the butt ends onto the V-shaped log holder. Then I secure the logs on by wrapping a chain around the tongue and the butt end of the logs. I use a load binder to cinch everything tight so the logs don’t slide off. It’s simple but it works.”
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, John P. Dougoveto, W8803 Lansford Dr., Iron Mountain, Mich. 49801 (ph 906 774-4526)

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2012 - Volume #36, Issue #6