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Pelvic Meter Predicts Calving Difficulty
“Any cattle producer with some knowledge of reproductive organs could learn to use this instrument,” says Dan Schoenfelder, business administrator for the Litton Charolais Ranch (LCR) where the Litton Krautman pelvic meter for predicting calving difficulty of first-calf heifers was developed.
  “We’ve sold about 50 units, most of them to LCR customers who’ve see what the device can do in a breeding program,” he told FARM SHOW. “Several Pelvic Meters are being used by Universities for research.”
  Pelvic measurements backed by extensive research the past 15 years, has become one of the most accurate predictors of calving difficulty in first calf heifers. The new hydraulically-operated hand tool, which makes it easier and faster to take accurate measurements, promises to trigger widespread interest in the proven practice.
  The Pelvic Meter is inserted into the rectum with one hand. The other hand is used to operate the control plunger. Some researchers recommend taking a horizontal and vertical measurement, then multiplying them to get a measure of total pelvic area. Others feel the vertical measurement alone is the most accurate predictor of calving difficulty.
  “We used a computer to check vertical measurements, horizontal measurements, and the two multiplied together, and found that vertical alone was consistently the most reliable. Based on this comparison, it’s now the only measurement we take,” says Schoenfelder.
  “We use the tool as a preventative measure. It tells us which heifers to watch at calving, and which ones to cull. It also helps determine which bull to use on a given heifer, based on her pelvic size and how big a calf she can handle.”
  A key advantage in “measuring” heifers as yearlings is that those with large openings can be bred to your best bull right off. You don’t have to breed them to a “lesser” bull solely to ensure a smaller calf when you know ahead of time that there’s plenty of pelvic room for a bigger calf.
  Cost of the Pelvic Meter is $295.
  For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Litton Charolais Ranch, Box 188F, Chillicothe, Mo. 64601 (ph 816 646-4330).

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1977 - Volume #1, Issue #3