2013 - Volume #37, Issue #5, Page #30
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Old-Time Weed Killer Making A Comeback
“While I was searching for a natural weed killer to use in my garden and orchard, I found out that there is something called Agricultural Vinegar, or what some people call 20 percent vinegar,” says Brad Miller, Ohio. Unlike household vinegar, which is 5 percent vinegar, it will kill any weed it touches. It works by drying out the plant. It’s non-selective and is not systemic so it’s safe to use around the woody trunks of shrubs, vines, and trees.

    “It needs to be sprayed when there is no chance of rain for at least 48 hours after application, and the higher the temperature the better. I’ve found that it works much faster than any other weed killer I’ve used. The weeds start withering in minutes.

    “It’s safe for the environment, very economical and can be purchased from many different vendors. Most agricultural supply stores can order it in for you or it can be found on-line or mail ordered. Size ranges from gallon jugs to industrial-sized totes. Prices range anywhere from $13 to $15 per gallon but is lower if bought in larger quantities.

    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Maestro-Gro, 613 Colorado St., Justin, Texas 76247 (ph 214 436-3617; cbeckett@verizon.net).

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2013 - Volume #37, Issue #5