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Fold-Flat Cattle Chute
"It's a great space saver," says Dennis Fisher, Sisseton, S. Dak., about his 30-in. wide, 7-ft. long livestock chute that can be collapsed and folded out of the way along the inside wall of any livestock trailer. It can also be used in alleys, calving rooms, sick pens, etc.
The chute is equipped with gates on the rear and one side and a headgate in front. It folds up flat - just 6 in. wide and 10 ft. long against any solid wall.
"It's especially handy for work in remote pastures because it lets you work on animals right in your trailer," says Fisher. "The chute and trailer can be used together as a pen, making it easy to restrain livestock to perform a variety of veterinary tasks. It also works great for transporting baby calves because you can keep the calf in the chute and the mother inside the trailer. It can be used in dairies for artificial insemination and general doctoring. It also works great for people who show livestock at stock shows. Most of the grooming and prep work on the show animal can be done right in your trailer."
Chute is reversible for left or right-hand mounting. He's looking for manufacturer. Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dennis Fisher, Rt. 3, Box 115, Sisseton, S. Dak. 57262 (ph 605 698-7492).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #4