2014 - Volume #BFS, Issue #14, Page #18
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Grain "Unbagger" Rolls Up Plastic As It Empties Bag
Neeralta Manufacturing has introduced a double-duty grain extractor. It unloads a 9 to 12-ft. dia. grain bag at up to 150 bu. per minute and rolls up the empty plastic bag into a neat 30-in. wide, 350 to 400-lb. roll.
  “We’ve been selling grain baggers for years, and the plastic is always a hassle for people to handle,” says John Wierenga, Neeralta Manufacturing. “We’ve been working on an extractor for several years and decided to add the bag wrapping mechanism.”
  Wierenga, who runs the company with his brother Rob, says his father Bert, who founded the company in 1984, was actively involved in the research and development. The three of them see the bag pickup feature as good for customers and good for the environment.
  “In Saskatchewan alone, they say there are more than 1,000 tons of plastic bags used each year,” says Wierenga. “They are getting serious there about a recycling charge like a deposit on the bags. We can see it coming in Alberta. The only way to recover a charge like that will be to recycle the plastic. Our extractor will make that easier.”
  The Neeralta Grain Extractor is available in either trailer or 3-pt. hitch style and retails for $43,500. Equipped with a self-contained hydraulic pump and reservoir, it can be mounted on a 90 hp tractor.
  The spool that wraps the bag is located at the top of the extractor above the auger. When the bag is empty and has been fully wound in place, it’s tied off. As the two-part spindle it has wrapped on is drawn out of the way, the plastic bale drops down on top of the auger elevator and rolls into a waiting truck, trailer or onto the ground for later pick up.
  “Because the bag is wound up, it should shed wet or clinging grain and dirt,” says Wierenga. “This is important for companies that recycle the bags. We were contacted by one of them, and getting clean plastic was their biggest challenge.”
  There are other machines that wind up bags after emptying, but Wierenga says they don’t leave the plastic in as tight a bale as Neeralta’s machine. He adds that bags left on the ground attract mice and other critters that can get in and nest.
  To see the Neeralta Grain Extractor in action, check out the video at www.farmshow.com.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Neeralta Manufacturing Inc., Box 115, Neerlandia, Alta., Canada T0G 1R0 (ph 780 674-5338; toll free 866 497-5338; sales@neeralta.com; www.neeralta.com).  

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2014 - Volume #BFS, Issue #14