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Paint Additive Helps Eliminate Odors
“My wife said to get rid of the smoking odors or her. Painting with Ionic Paint Additive was cheaper. I still have my wife and no odors.”
  That’s a quote from a customer who says his home has remained odorless even though he kept smoking cigarettes, according to Bert Gruder, who has been selling the Ionic additive since 2011. The fine powder is a blend of 27 natural rare-earth minerals that turns painted walls into air purification systems.
  “The minerals emit negative electrically-charged ions,” Gruder explains. “They attract positively-charged dust particles (including odors absorbed in the particles) and the added weight makes them drop out of the air.”
  The odor is neutralized, and the air purification continues as long as the top painted surface includes the additive, Gruder says. The additive can be used with oil or water-based paints in any color, except pure white, Gruder says, though off-white works. Add one packet ($38.45 including shipping) to each gallon.
  Most customers are smokers, but many pet owners — especially cat owners — tell Gruder that visitors don’t even know they have animals in the house since they painted with the additive. Property owners who used to paint every time a smoking tenant moved out, tell him that now they just paint once with the Ionic paint additive. Other customers include people with allergies and managers of nursing home facilities.
  For bonus air purification, Gruder suggests painting a scrap of plastic with additive-enhanced paint and attaching it at a right angle to the backside of a vent inside your ductwork.
  “The airflow will not be restricted. As the return air flows across the surfaces painted with the Ionic additive, anions are discharged into the ductwork, reducing odors and toxins,” Gruder explains.
  His website explains many applications, and occasionally offers special pricing.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bert Gruder, Air-ReNu, Inc., 6 Poinette Place, Palm Coast, Fla. 32164 (ph 866 501-2660; ionic-paint@outlook.com; www.ionicpaint.com).

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2014 - Volume #38, Issue #3