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Shop Engine Hoist Mounts On Pickup, Loader Forks
Glenn Haley, Andover, N.H., converted an ordinary bottle jack-operated shop engine hoist into one he can attach to the back of his pickup, or mount on his tractor’s front-end loader.
    “I can take it with me down the highway or use it in my barnyard or shop,” says Haley.
    He removed the base from the hoist and made a bolt-on steel mounting plate that fits the receiver hitch socket on back of his pickup. A short length of 3/4-in. dia. pipe that’s welded to the plate is used to hold the jack handle.
    He also made a receiver hitch socket that bolts onto forks on his front-end loader. The socket is welded to the middle of a 1-ft. long, 3 1/2-in. wide steel plate with holes drilled through it. Holes are also drilled through the forks, which are spaced about 5 in. apart.
    Chains are used to support the hoist on both the pickup and the tractor.
    “It makes the hoist much more versatile, especially when a tractor isn’t available or isn’t practical to use,” says Haley. “One time I used it on the pickup to help my friend, who lives many miles away, remove a wood-fired boiler from his basement through a bulkhead. I’ve used it with the pickup to set up a standby power generator for our local fire department and to load a portable cement mixer in back of my pickup. I’ve also used the pickup to transport a 500-lb. wood planer down the highway, and then used the loader tractor to lift it high up into my barn.”
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Glenn Haley, 52 Putney Rd., Andover, N.H. 03216 (ph 603 455-5373; gahaley@tds.net).

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2014 - Volume #38, Issue #5