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Outlet Bolted To Back Of Tractor
“I installed a waterproof, 12-volt AC metal outlet box on back of my Kubota 70 hp tractor and wired it to the tractor’s battery. It eliminates the need for a battery to operate the pump on my 15-gal. pull-type sprayer,” says Michael Myers, Kirbyville, Texas.
    Myers uses the sprayer with a hand wand to controls weeds around his ponds. Myers removed the 12-volt battery from the sprayer and installed a plug on the end of the battery cable to plug into the outlet box. He drilled 2 holes in back of the tractor to bolt the outlet box on. Then he ran a wire from the outlet box up to the battery on front of the tractor.
    “It’s an AC outlet box, but I’m using it to supply the tractor’s DC voltage,” says Myers. “I paid $4 for the outlet box and another $4 for the wire.”
    The sprayer mounts on a pallet, which sets on a home-built wooden wagon that Myers pulls behind the tractor. “I use the forks on my loader tractor to lift the sprayer onto the wagon and tie it down with bungee straps,” says Myers.
    He also keeps a hammer on back of the tractor. “I drilled 2 holes in the tractor frame and installed a U-bolt bracket to hold the hammer. It comes in handy any time I have to pound on something while hooking up to an implement,” he says.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Michael Myers, 2942 CR 474, Kirbyville, Texas 75956 (ph 409 423-4142).

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2015 - Volume #39, Issue #2