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Simple Planter Adds “Vertical Color” To Garden
It’s easy to add a vertical element to your landscaping with a simple wood planter, says FARM SHOW reader Robert Scaman. His wife, Delphi, came up with the design, and brother-in-law Steve Kannin built it.
  He screwed a pvc cap to a piece of green-treated plywood and then glued a 45-in. piece of 1 1/2-in. pvc pipe to the cap. He drilled several holes in the pipe ranging from 1/16-in. dia. near the bottom to 1/4-in. dia. at the top about 4 to 5 in. apart.
  The walls are 1 by 6 pine boards with 2-in. holes drilled to insert plugs or small plants after filling the area between the pipe and wood with potting soil.
  “We just put the hose in the pipe at the top and fill it up. We can see when it starts draining, that all the plants are getting water,” Scaman says. “When it’s hot we water every day.”
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Robert Scaman, 2031 100th Ave., Kenosha, Wis. 53144 (ph 262 945-9718).

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2015 - Volume #39, Issue #2