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Wheel Shimmy Problems Solved On Massey Ferguson Tractors
Joe Staadegaard, Lynnville Farm Equipment, Rt. 1, Windham Centre, Ontario, Canada (ph 519 426-4416): "We've had a lot of problems with front wheel shimmy on Massey Ferguson 165 and 175 tractors, usually during road travel. I solved the problem by installing two auto-motive shocks under the front axle, with one end of each shock attached to the front axle and the other to the center steering pivot. it will prevent shimmying and also prevents the tire rod ends and other steering parts from wearing out as fast as they do now.
"I've made this fix on several tractors over the last couple years and received nothing but praise. I've even installed the shocks after rebuilding the steering system. We now have the parts available as a do-it-yourself kit with complete instructions. Sells for $125 (Canadian). Dealer inquiries welcome.
"We also sell a carburetor kit for old Ferguson tractors, models 20-80 and 20-85 that have the English model 24T-2 carburetors. The kit has a throttle shaft, needle and seal, floats, gaskets, fiber washers and instructions. Since all parts are custom-made, they're not cheap but they'll let you get a little more life out of the old Fergies."

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1996 - Volume #20, Issue #3