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Windmill Compressor Makes Great Pond Aerator
If you own a water-pumping windmill, you'll want to take a close look at this new bolt-on air compressor that generates "free" 'air power without affecting windmill performance.
Designed by Ken O'Brock, North Ben-ton, Ohio, the new compressor simply clamps to any windmill tower and bolts to the pump shaft without modification. The compressor's twin 3-in. cylinders compress on both the up and down stroke. On an 8-ft. dia. windmill with an 8-in. stroke it delivers 4.2 cfm in a 15 mph wind. O'Brock says that's enough to thoroughly aerate a 3/4 to 1 acre pond or lagoon.
"We supply a specially-made 75-ft. length of polyethylene aeration tubing that is laid at the bottom of a pond. The tubing has tiny air-release slits spaced at varying intervals that close completely to keep out dirt but let air out in an even pattern that aerates the entire pond. Because we aerate from the bottom up, unlike most pond aerators that only aerate the top 1 ft. or so of surface water, it keeps the water crystal clear. The increased oxygen in the water eats up algae, leaves, and other trash like a septic tank. The increased oxygen levels also let you use weed-killing chemicals in the pond that you might otherwise not be able to use," says O'Brock, noting that he's had lots of interest from fish farmers needing an inexpensive way `to aerate. The new compressor bolts to the tower and pump shaft with no special tools required. It fits any brand of windmill and models are available for any size and stroke of windmill. O' Brock says that because of the way water-pumping windmills are geared down, there's plenty of power for his compressor.
"It lets your windmill do two jobs at once and it'll operate virtually maintenance-free because of the simple design," he says. The air-compressing cylinders, which are actually converted water pumping cylinders, have brass linings and long-lasting neoprene cups.
A compressor to fit an 8-ft. dia. windmill sells for $600. He's working on a larger capacity model that will provide high pressure air for hand tools as well as other chores around the farm.
O'Brock is a dealer for Aermotor wind-mills. "There have been no major changes in this windmill since 1933 and we carry 100% of all parts back to 1933 as well as parts for many earlier models," he says, noting that a complete mail order catalog is available (send $1 for postage).
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ken O'Brock, O'Brock Windmill Distributors, 943512th St., North Benton, Ohio 44449 (ph 216 584-4681).

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1988 - Volume #12, Issue #4